Looking Forward to Golf for Good 2021
This week, we had planned to hold our 14th annual Golf for Good Charity Tournament, enjoying a rainy day on the golf course, having a great time and raising much needed funding for our beneficiaries.
The global pandemic has resulted in all large gatherings being postponed or cancelled and although we are disappointed the tournament won’t be going ahead this week – or even on September 22, 2020 as we had hoped – we are looking forward to making GFG 2021 our best tournament yet!
You Can Still Make a Difference
We have been asked by some of our generous sponsors if there is an opportunity to still make a donation to our beneficiaries, noting that the loss of over $200,000 in net revenue from Golf for Good this year will take a huge toll on programming offered to some of our most vulnerable communities. We would appreciate that very much and you can do so here (Donate Now). Please make a note that it’s for Golf for Good, or please connect with us directly. We will gratefully acknowledge you on the 2020 sponsors list on the Golf for Good site and in a thank you ad in an upcoming edition of Business in Vancouver.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support of our tournament and we look forward to reuniting in June 2021.